Labour has gained two more seats on Worthing Borough Council, further increasing its majority.
The current Labour administration gained seats in Tarring and Northbrook wards following yesterday’s elections, and now has 26 of the 37 seats on the council.
In Tarring, longstanding Lib Dem councillor Hazel Thorpe lost her seat to Lysanne Skinner, with Conservative Russ Cochrane losing his Northbrook seat to Dom Ford.
The Conservatives also lost a seat to the Green Party in Goring, and now hold nine seats on the council, with the Greens now holding two – both in Goring.
Leader of the Council Beccy Cooper (Lab, Marine) who succesfully defended her seat in the elections, said the borough had seen a ‘good turnout’ of voters – with the overall Worthing turnout being 34 per cent.
Final results by ward in Worthing were:
Broadwater: Labour hold
LDem: 149
Lab: 1218
Con: 515
Green: 190
Castle: Labour hold
Lab: 895
Con: 591
LDem: 253
Green: 166
Central: Labour hold
Lab: 1372
Con: 519
Green: 272
LDem: 156
Durrington: Conservatives hold
Con: 583
Lab: 538
LDem 168
Green: 77
Gaisford: Labour hold
Lab: 1364
Con: 669
LDem: 158
Green: 249
Goring: Greens gain
Green: 1696
Con: 982
Lab: 271
LDem: 89
Heene: Labour hold
Con: 580
Lab: 1241
Green: 232
LDem: 153
Marine: Labour hold
Lab: 1501
Con: 833
Green: 198
LDem: 149
Northbrook: Labour gain
Con: 517
Lab: 647
LDem: 103
Green: 85
Offington: Conservatives hold
Con: 1256
Lab: 782
LDem: 161
Green: 186
Salvington: Conservatives hold
Green: 170
LDem: 242
Con: 1154
Lab: 847
Selden: Labour hold
Lab: 1168
Con: 529
Green: 193
LDem: 157
Tarring: Labour gain
Green: 151
Con: 337
Lab: 1009
LDem: 765