Controversial proposals to replace a Ringmer bungalow with a small scale housing development have been approved by Lewes planners.
On Wednesday (June 12), Lewes District Council’s planning committee approved proposals to demolish a bungalow in Gote Lane and build three new homes in its place.
The proposals had proven to be controversial with neighbours, who argued the development would be ‘overbearing’ and be contrary to policies set out within the Ringmer Neighbourhood Plan.
Among those to raise concerns was Ringmer parish councillor Dr John Kay. Speaking at the planning meeting, he said: “[A neighbouring property] will suffer substantial loss of privacy and overlooking into their rear living rooms and gardens and disturbance from motor traffic just feet from their principal bedroom window.
“You’ll have read more about this in the comments and you’ll hear about this from other speakers, but Ringmer Parish Council fully endorses this position and we respectfully submit that this impact on the neighbour amenity should be given significant, not limited, negative weight in the planning balance.”
Objectors’ concerns also included parking pressures and disruption from building works, while others argued the scheme would be an overdevelopment of the site. The concerns were set out in more than 50 letters of objection and a petition signed by 147 people.
Officers, however, had recommended the scheme be approved.
In a report to the committee, a council planning spokesman said: “The proposed development is considered to represent the efficient and sympathetic redevelopment of a site within a sustainable location.
“It is considered that the design of the dwellings and the layout of the development are sympathetic towards the surrounding environment as well as residential amenities.
“The proposed development incorporates suitable parking and access arrangements and design measures have been taken to enhance the sustainability of the development.”
While some councillors were opposed to the proposals, the majority of the committee ultimately agreed with the officer’s recommendation.
For further information see application reference LW/23/0360 on the Lewes District Council website.