A developer has put forward plans for a housing development in Maresfield.
In an application validated by Wealden District Council earlier this week, developer Terra is seeking outline planning permission for a 41-home development on land to the west of Limestone Way.
As an outline scheme, the developer is only seeking permission for the principle of development, with all matters other than its access via Limestone Way to be determined at a later date.
In a statement submitted as part of the application, a spokesman for the developer said: “The proposed development encompasses 41 new dwellings, along with accompanying car parking and public open spaces, to offer a diverse selection of appealing, high quality homes.
“The proposals aim to foster a strong sense of community by providing shared spaces and promoting positive place-making.
“Careful consideration will be given to the design, ensuring it harmoniously integrates with the inherent characteristics of the site and the surrounding area, thereby enhancing its overall appeal.”
The application goes on to say the site would include 14 affordable homes and make a financial contribution towards an off-site children’s play area.
It also notes how the site has been identified in the Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) as being suitable for housing, although this allocation was for 25 homes.
The developer also notes the council’s lack of a five-year supply of housing land, arguing the scheme should benefit from the presumption in favour of ‘sustainable development’ set out in national planning rules.
For further information on the proposals see application reference WD/2024/0323/MAO on the Wealden District Council website.