A developer has put forward fresh plans to build housing in place of a former church building in Hastings.
In an application to Hastings Borough Council, applicant Victory 1066 Ltd is seeking planning permission to build five houses in place of the former St Anne’s Church building in Chambers Road.
The same applicant had previously been refused planning permission for a similar scheme in 2022. At the time, officers considered the scheme would harm the character and appearance of the area due to its scale and design, as well as the loss of green space.
But the applicant argues these proposals overcome the previous reasons for refusal.
In a statement submitted as part of the application, a spokesman for the developer said: “This application has looked to address the matters for refusal provided by the borough planning department in the proviso application and it is felt that this has been achieved.
“The proposed roof pitch has been lowered to 22.5 degrees; the lowest the proposed roof tiles can achieve. The dwellings have been lowered in the street scene to reduce impact on neighbouring properties and the parking along the frontage has been reduced. Allowing the existing grass open front to largely remain.”
The proposed homes would include three two-bedroom houses and two three-bedroom houses. Each would be two storeys tall.
For further information on the proposals see application reference HS/FA/24/00239 on the Hastings Borough Council website.