A developer has put forward plans for a mixed housing and retirement living development in Rye.
In an application to Rother District Council, developer Plutus (Rye) Ltd is seeking planning permission to build 88 homes, including 42 retirement apartments, on land to the north of Ferry Road.
The same developer was previously granted permission to build out a 63-home development on the same site in 2019, but this planning consent is soon set to expire.
In documents submitted as part of the application, the developer argues the new proposals could offer benefits “over and above the previously consented schemes.”
In these documents, a spokesman for the developer said: “The development will result in a range of economic, social and environmental benefits being delivered to the local area and/or the wider district.
“These include economic and social benefits typically associated with conventional housing being maximised through being targeted in the form of specialist retirement and custom housing, and the social and environmental benefits of a high-quality regeneration of a longstanding vacant site in the centre of the town, which serves as a blight on the area.”
As with the previous scheme, the proposals involves the demolition of the Queen Adelaide, a former pub in Ferry Road.
In all, the proposed development would be made up of 15 self-build houses, 10 houses, 21 apartments and 42 retirement apartments. The retirement apartments would be supported with communal facilities.