Updated proposals for a housing scheme in Sedlescombe are set to go in front of Rother planners next week.
On Thursday (June 22), Rother District Council’s planning committee is set to consider an application seeking permission to build 21 homes at The Paddock, a long-standing development site to the south of Brede Lane.
Developers were originally granted permission to build out the site in 2016, although this previous consent has now expired. The current application is broadly similar to those original plans, although there are several notable differences.
These include an increase in the overall numbers of homes from 16 to 21. These will be built on the same parcel of land, however, with a change to the types of homes the developer plans to build.
In practice, this means some of the larger previously-approved large bungalows are set to be built out as smaller pairs of semi-detached units.
Despite this, the number of affordable units has decreased from the previous scheme. There are now expected to be only four affordable homes included as part of the development, with planning officers saying this is due to viability reasons.
The reduction in affordable housing is one of several concerns raised by local objectors. Other concerns include the pressures of additional housing on local infrastructure and utilities.
Objectors have also raised concerns about the development’s potential impact on the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and the character of the surrounding village.
These concerns are not shared by Rother planning officers, however, who are recommending the scheme be approved.
In a report set for consideration by the committee, a council planning officer said: “The proposed development is considered to have only a limited impact on the local setting and not to have any impact on the wider landscape character or quality of the AONB.
“Given the landscaping and biodiversity enhancements proposed, the proposal is considered on balance to conserve and enhance the AONB.
“The housing type and mix proposed, including the provision of affordable housing, albeit not policy compliant … is considered acceptable. There are no design or layout issues in respect of the proposed scheme.”
As well as housing, the overall development includes plans for an open community space. It is expected that this land will be transferred to the parish, with a second parcel of land also set to be transferred to Sedlescombe Primary School.
For further information on the proposals see application reference RR/2022/2619/P on the Rother District Council website.