A proposed housing development in Broad Oak has secured planning permission at appeal.
In a decision notice published today, a planning inspector has approved plans to build four houses on land to the north of Street End Lane, which is associated with a property known as Silver Birches.
While recommended for approval by planning officers at the time, the scheme was turned down by Wealden District Council’s Planning Committee South in November 2023, primarily due to concerns around its impact on the High Weald National Landscape.
In a decision notice at the time, a council spokesman said: “The proposed development by reason of the loss of undeveloped land, its scale, the encroachment into the countryside, the loss of a field making up part of the mosaic of medieval field pattern and its appearance in distant views would have an urbanising impact and would harm the character of the [HWNL] undermining its intrinsic openness and natural beauty.
“That harm … is a clear reason to refuse the application having regard to the [National Planning Policy Framework].”
This view was not shared by the planning inspector, who judged the scheme would fit in well with the existing character of the area.
In their decision notice, the planning inspector said: “The development would be seen sited between and experienced in the context of other residential buildings along a similar build line.
“Therefore, whilst there would be a change in how the site is seen from Street End Lane, the proposed development would be well-related to existing houses and would be seen in combination with them.
“Given the modest scale of the overall scheme, the spaced layout of the houses and a similar design to existing properties nearby, the proposal would not appear incongruous in this setting.”
They added: “Overall, the more limited adverse impacts associated with the conflict with the site’s location do not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole. The proposal therefore benefits from the presumption in favour of sustainable development, and this indicates that permission should be granted.”
The now approved scheme is expected to be made up of two three-bedroom chalet bungalows and two four-bedroom two-storey houses.
For further information see application reference WD/2023/1927/F on the Wealden District Council planning portal.