Plans to use land in Runcton to house five pitches for traveller caravans have been refused by Chichester District Council.
The application to change the use of land east of The Spinney, on the B2166 Lagness Road, was rejected by planning officers.
Work had already started on the site, prompting the council to issue a Temporary Stop Notice and an Enforcement Notice, both of which are being appealed.
In their report, officers noted that the work already carried out did not match what was in the planning application.
The council received 21 letters objecting to the plans, with concerns raised including the site being outside the settlement boundary, unsuitable for such a use, and not being allocated for caravans in the emerging Local Plan.
Officers agreed the plans were ‘unacceptable’, adding: “The proposed development would have an urbanising visual impact which would noticeably close the gap between the settlements of Runcton and North Mundham, and would therefore result in their coalescence causing harm to the character and appearance of the area.”
To view the application, log on to and search for 24/00697/FUL.