Proposals to build three houses in Ditchling have gained the green light from Lewes planners.
On Wednesday (September 4), Lewes District Council’s planning committee approved proposals to demolish a chalet bungalow at 56 Lewes Road and build three new houses on the cleared site.
While the scheme had been recommended for approval by council planning officers, the scheme had seen objections raised by both Ditchling Parish Council and a significant number of local residents.
Ditchling Parish Council argued the scheme would be contrary to the Ditchling,
Streat, and Westmeston Neighbourhood Plan, harm the amenity of neighbours, exacerbate traffic issues and also provide an “inadequate” number of parking spaces.
Objectors also included local resident Phillip Souta, who argued the existing building (said to have been built in 1910s) should be considered to be a non-designated heritage asset.
Mr Souta said: “The existing dwelling has sentimental and historical value in the community as it was an old school house, opposite the school as it stands. It would be a shame to lose this building, which is quite unique and part of the fabric of the village.
“This is an attempt to extract the absolute maximum development within the rules, so I urge the committee to reject this application, considering the potential harm of this development to our village’s character and the surrounding environment.”
A report considered by the committee also noted how the council had received at least 46 letters of objection from residents. These objections also raised concerns about traffic and parking, although no objections had been raised by East Sussex Highways on these grounds.
Ultimately the committee opted to approve the scheme in line with the recommendation from officers. This approval included an additional condition, which limited the times at which construction works can take place.
The three houses (all detached) will be of differing sizes, with one providing four-bedrooms, one three-bedrooms and one two-bedrooms. Collectively, the properties have access to eight off-road parking spaces, as well as additional cycle parking.
For further information see application reference SDNP/23/04864/FUL on the South Downs National Park planning website.