Plans to convert a Bexhill building into apartments have been turned down at appeal.
In a decision notice published on Wednesday (July 24), a planning inspector dismissed proposals to convert 101 Dorset Road — a Home in Multiple Occupation (HMO) — into seven self-contained apartments.
The proposals, which involved extensions to the building, had been refused planning permission by Rother District Council in June last year, due to concerns both about its impact on the character of the area and harm to neighbouring residents.
In a report at the time, a council planning spokesman said: “The proposal would unreasonably harm the living conditions of neighbouring occupiers and would have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the area, as set out above.
“This adverse impact is considered to carry substantial weight, which significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the proposal. In the circumstances, planning permission should not be granted for the development.”
Specifically, the council was concerned that the extension proposed as part of the conversion would result in ‘visual intrusion’, while new windows and balconies would result in overlooking of neighbours.
These concerns were broadly shared by the planning inspector, who concluded that the scheme would result in ‘significant harm’.
In their decision notice, the inspector said: “I have found harm in respect of the character and appearance of the area and the living conditions of the neighbouring occupiers. These harms are likely to be significant and long lasting.
“The need to protect the character of an area and the living conditions of its residents is perennial and in direct compliance with the [National Planning Policy] Framework’s policies.
“Furthermore, the provision of housing should not be at the expense of these matters as otherwise it risks undermining the Framework’s objectives of creating welcoming and distinctive places to live, work and visit.
“Therefore, when assessed against the policies in the Framework taken as a whole, the adverse impacts of the proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits. The scheme would not therefore be sustainable development.”
For further information see application reference RR/2023/480/P on the Rother District Council website.