A developer has put forward plans for a further housing scheme in Blackboys.
In an application submitted to Wealden District Council, developer Brookworth Homes is seeking permission to build eight houses on land to the south of Framfield Road.
The application site sits between two other developments; a nine-home scheme to its east and an up to 50 home scheme (currently approved at outline) to its west.
All eight of the houses proposed would be four-bedroom, detached units with private off-road parking and double garages. Each home would also have its own front and rear gardens.
There would be no onsite affordable housing, although the developer intends to make a financial contribution for development elsewhere.
In a statement submitted as part of the application, a spokesman for the developer said: “The application accords with the three objectives of sustainable development: economic, social and environmental.
“The development would bring economic benefits, delivering and supporting jobs on and off site. The economic benefits would also include spin-off benefits to other businesses in the area and supporting those local services within the locality.
“Overall, the proposed detailed design is in accordance with the Development Plan and will deliver a high-quality residential development. On this basis, it is respectfully requested that planning permission be granted.”
The plans also include a new access, via Framfield Road, which would run adjacent to an existing property known as Highlands.
For further information on the proposals see application reference WD/2024/0560/F on the Wealden District Council website.