The future of a seafront bar is up in the air as its management insists it will reopen – but the landlord has put it up for let.
Escape Bar in Worthing closed suddenly at the end of October, blaming emergency repairs.
It has been closed since – but this week, owner Bulent Colak told people speculating about its future that he planned to reopen.
However, an advert for the venue on Marine Parade is currently live on Rightmove, advertising it to let for £4,583 pcm or £54,996 pa. The listing only has two pictures, both external.
It says it is being offered on a new fully repairing lease – meaning any tenant taking it on would be responsible for repairs.
According to Land Registry documents, Mr Colak bought a 15-year leasehold on the property from 2023, which only runs out in March 2038.
The freehold is owned by Pollard Bennett Limited, which bought it for £2.5 million in 2021.
Sussex News understands the two parties are now in a legal dispute over the lease and the repairs, which will not be resolved until the new year.
In October, Escape said: “We are apologise for the short notice, but the Escape Bar and Grill will be closed for emergency repairs.
“Please keep an eye on our social media for updates on our reopening. In the meantime, we will not be accepting any bookings for private events until we are back.”
The Rightmove listing says: “The property which occupies one of the most prominent seafront locations in the town, it has an extensive south facing outside terrace / seating area with fitted bar area and kitchen along with function room and multiple seating areas.
“The premises would suit various other uses (subject to planning consent).
“There is a premises licence in place on the property under licence Number: with alcohol sales permitted 10pm-12am Mon-Wed, 10pm-1am Thursday, 10pm-2am Fri-Sat and 10-12am Sunday.”