Proposals to repair part of the East Hill Cliff Railway are set to go in front of Hastings planners next week.
On Wednesday (October 23), Hastings Borough Council’s planning committee is expected to consider a listed building application seeking permission to make repairs to the railway’s top station building.
The application, which has been submitted by the council itself, involves the removal and replacement of damaged stones within the building, as well as the removal of the steel beams and restraint plates.
In a report to the committee, a council planning spokesman said: “The purpose of the proposed works are to essentially repair an existing crack on a side wall of the building.
The spokesman added: “The proposed works are considered to not cause harm to a heritage asset and therefore comply with the heritage requirements of the National Planning Policy Frameworks and adopted local plan heritage policies. Therefore, the application is recommended for approval.”
The report notes how the proposals had initially seen concerns raised by the council’s conservation officer, who requested additional information on the works. The council then appointed a structural engineer, who the conservation officer said had provided “proportionate, clear and convincing justification” for the works.
In their response to the application, the conservation officer also noted how the council may need to seek further listed building consent if other repair works are revealed to be necessary.
For further information see application reference HS/LB/24/00166 on the Hastings Borough Council website.