A developer has put forward plans for a housing development on the outskirts of Heathfield.
In an application validated by Wealden District Council last week, developer Work By Here Limited is seeking permission to build nine new homes on land to the east of a property known as Tanyard Cottage in Newick Lane.
The proposed scheme would be formed of eight four-bedroom houses and a single two-bedroom house. The scheme also involves the creation of a new access road connected to Newick Lane.
In their application, the developer acknowledges how the site lies immediately outside of Heathfield’s development boundary, but argues the need for housing in the area means the scheme should be approved.
In a statement submitted as part of the application, a spokesman for the developer said: “The application must be assessed against the backdrop of a dire housing situation in Wealden district, where housing is in chronic undersupply, and where the local plan preparation process, already dragging on for a number of years, is currently only at Regulation 18.”
They added: “The relevant housing policies within Wealden’s adopted Local Plan are clearly out of date in view of the situation above, and therefore … planning permission should be granted unless the harms resulting from the proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.”
The developer’s statement also notes how development of the land had previously been considered as part of the council’s Call for Sites process. At the time, the site (reference 907/1210 in the Council’s Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) was deemed unsuitable as it was considered to be “isolated, exposed and wholly within the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.”
But the developer argues this proposal, which is for a smaller section of the overall land, overcomes these previous concerns. They also argue the context of the site has since changed as a result of other developments nearby.
At time of publication, the scheme is open for comment on the Wealden District Council planning portal. For further information see application reference WD/2024/1360/F.
The housing situation around Heathfield is for affordable homes and social housing, not for more rich people. Local people can’t afford the kind of money being asked.
So called “affordable” housing maybe, shall we say smaller cheaper homes. Not 4 bedroom houses for the loaded.
Another kick in the teeth for local youngsters
It has been proven time and time again that starter houses can be built with modern techniques making them attractive, affordable and profit for developers. Perhaps state owned non profit or minimal profit companies whose sole purpose is to provide these affordable first time homes should be considered. It would also benefit communities by proving for an injection of younger blood without a Landrover or huge 4 x 4.