An extra £570,000 in funding for a rough-sleeper scheme in Worthing has been approved by Worthing Borough Council.
The funding was approved by the council’s cabinet member for housing and citizen services Ӧdul Bozkurt (Lab, Central) on Thursday, August 1, to be given to housing association Worthing Homes.
The council funding, with £2.6million received from the government, will enable Worthing Homes to redevelop a site in Ivy Arch Road, Worthing, including the demolition of the Skywaves House offices, to build 21 flats to house rough sleepers.
The additional funding was taken from the council’s £1.765million affordable-homes budget, funded through section 106 payments from the developers of the Bayside Apartments in Brighton Road, Worthing, to the council in 2021.
Once finished, Homelessness charity Turning Tides will run the scheme, which will include a hub providing communal areas, a kitchen, training rooms, counselling rooms, a clinical room and outdoor spaces as well as new offices for the charity.